Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

Anything about the crew, families, origins, etc.
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Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

Post by olujnik »

was Ernst Lindemann maried and did he had children
I would like to know their names and Berthdays
in wikipedia I found that lindman family had gravestone in Berlin but no names
same for admiral Lutjens
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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On some german forum I found that Lindemann have grandother Christina Lindemann but i culdn't find any e/mail adress
this is the link ... 98239&pg=1
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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I think on such a sensitive subject you need to tread very carefuly, for unwittingly invading the privacy of private individuals on what can be painful memories.
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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first we are tolking about someone who died 70 years ago in event wich is in any case heroic, no politic, no war crimes. I wuld like to be accurate as much is posible, and that is why a nead names and date's, in novel you can say "he was tinking about family at home, karl wuld be 9 in septembr, and Lizi 6 in june" and I wuld like names to bi wright
I think Lindemann and Lutjens served to navy and to germany pofesionaly and loyaly, and I don't won't to repeat foresters mastackes in "Sink the Bismarck"
sory my writen enlish is not so well
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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BA-MA, N 328/45, Ehrhardt an Förste; Ludovic Kennedy, Pursuit: Battleship Bismarck (London, 1993), p. 35; BA-MA, N 379/109a, 12.09.1956; BA-MA, Pers 6/2236, Personalbogen, Frau: Margarete Backenköhler geb. 09.05.1903, Bl. 2; BA-MA, 656/2, Bl. 13; discussion with Dr. G. Granier on 12.11.1997 in the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv about Backenköhler’s Jewish past. Interestingly, as the Bismarck was in its death throes, Lütjens sent a radiogram to Hitler praising the Führer and the war. Perhaps Lütjens did so because he ¤rmly believed in Hitler, or perhaps he was scared for his Mischling wife and children and wanted to ensure their protection by displaying his devotion. It was probably a mixture of both. Burkard Frhr. von Müllenheim-Rechberg, SchlachtschiŸ Bismarck, 1940–1941 (Berlin, 1980), pp. 168–69; Jörg Duppler, ed., Germania auf dem Meere (Hamburg, 1998), p. 127.
this is a note for book "Lives Of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" and in index of this document there is this name Lutjens (Backenköhler) Margarete I think this is Gunter Lutjens wife and on site about film Sink the Bismarck is this txt: "In real life, Admiral Lutjens was distinctly anti-Nazi, vehemently protested the anti-Semitic actions of Hitler's regime, and was himself subject to intense Nazi scrutiny as he was a quarter Jewish and his wife was half Jewish. He was one of many German naval officers who fought only for their country, not Hitler."
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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But this is all political, by definition.

Forester's book was a fictional rendition of actual events, as should be evident from reading it.
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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my intention is to write a novel, and a contrary to forester I would like to be acculturate as much as possible. but for that I need more data about Lutjens and Lindemann family.
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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I have found that Gunther Lutjens had 3 children, and Gerhard is born after his death, but I didn't find any information about older's. this is from book Twilight of the Sea Gods by Tuleja, Chapter 6st
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Re: Ernst Lindemann and gunter Lutjens family

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This is information I found about Ernst Lindeman
Ernst Lindemann met Charlotte Weil (née Fritsche; 1899–1979), a local Berliner singer at various concerts, in the spring of 1920.[31] The couple married on 1 February 1921. The marriage produced a daughter, Helga Maria, born on 26 February 1924.[32] Lindemann's job as a naval officer demanded of him to be away from his family for longer periods of time. This proved to be too demanding on the marriage. The two were therefore divorced again in 1932.[33] Lindemann was engaged again on 20 July 1933 with his youngest brother sister in-law Hildegard Burchard. Ernst and Hildegard married on 27 October 1934 in the St. Annen Church in Berlin-Dahlem. The religious ceremony was performed by Martin Niemöller, a founder of the Confessing Church.[34] The two had a daughter, Heidi Maria, born on 6 July 1939.[35]
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